6 Iron Gordo Connecticut - A smooth Cigar to go with your morning cup of joe. This cigar offers flavors of pepper, leather, and warm hints of cream with a cedar complexion. For those who like smooth cigars, these cigars fit right in. Offering the perfect blend of long-filler tobacco under a premium Ecuador Connecticut wrapper.
Lob Wedge! Gordito 4 X 64 Connecticut. A smooth Cigar to go with your morning cup of joe. This cigar offers flavors of pepper, leather, and warm hints of cream with a cedar complexion. For those who like smooth cigars, these cigars fit right in. Offering the perfect blend of long-filler tobacco under a premium Ecuador Connecticut wrapper.
5 Iron Gordo Candela - The Candela wrapper is regarded as the mildest of all wrappers. If you are new to cigars, this is a great start to begin developing your palate. You can expect a fraction of sweetness and grassy flavors that offer very little strength.
Gap Wedge!
Gordito 4 X 64 CandelaThe Candela wrapper is regarded as the mildest of all wrappers. If you are new to cigars, this is a great start to begin developing your palate. You can expect a fraction of sweetness and grassy flavors that offer very little strength. These are a hot seller in our 4×64 Gordito. Try one today! Available in 6×60 Gordo, and 4×64 Gordito.
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How it Works: A reminder email will be sent out either Monthly or Quarterly, customers choice. A payment will automatically be processed, and Cigars will be sent to you.